Thursday, Friday & Saturday:
10:00 am – 4:30 pm
11:00 am – Noon
(or by request)
Office phone: (415) 986-4557
It is easy! Simply visit the Mass Intentions page of this website and find and request available dates.
Email or call the Shrine office: [email protected], or call: (415) 986-4557.
Mass Intentions can also be used to remember someone’s birthday, anniversary, or other special occasion. Your donation is payable by cash or check that can be mailed to the Shrine office.
All the faithful who visit churches entrusted to the pastoral care of the Franciscan Family may receive a plenary indulgence under the usual conditions on the Feast of Our Lady of the Angels (August 2) and the Feast of St. Francis (October 4)
To learn more click to the Pardon of Assisi page
The National Shrine of St. Francis of Assisi consists of the Historic church built in 1849 and our beautiful Porziuncola chapel. But most of all our consecrated Shrine is the “holy ground” where God’s grace extends the blessings of peace, healing, and joy to all who visit.
Located in San Francisco’s historic North Beach district, Saint Francis of Assisi Shrine today continues to build upon its historical mission. No longer a parish, the church bears witness to Christ within the beautiful city named for the Poverello
The friars of the Western America Province live the Gospel in prayer, fraternity and ministry.
This small chapel was very dear to the heart of St. Francis. He often referred to it as “the Little Portion,” clearly fitting of his love and passion for Lady Poverty.
Not only does Jesus intercede for us, but he also responds to our prayers for others.
Lighting candles in the Catholic tradition symbolizes devotion, prayer, and remembrance, connecting believers to the historical roots of their faith and fostering a sense of unity and communion with God and one another
Remember the living and deceased by joining an appeal on their behalf to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
The Shrine seeks to foster a community spirit with worshippers, visitors and the North Beach neighborhood
The preaching of the Word and participation in the Holy Eucharist was central to the life of St Francis
As Christian stewards, we receive God’s gifts gratefully, cultivate them responsibly, share them lovingly in justice with others, and return them with increase to the Lord.